
An online furniture store sells chairs for $150 each and tables for $400 each. Every day, the store can ship no more than 30 pieces of furniture and must sell a minimum of $6500 worth of chairs and tables. If 10 tables were sold, determine the minimum number of chairs that the the store must sell in order to meet the requirements. If there are no possible solutions, submit an empty answer.

Accepted Solution

Answer: minimum of 13 chairs must be sold to reach a target of $6500and a max of 20 chairs can be solved.Step-by-step explanation:Given that: Price of chair = $150Price of table = $400Let the number of chairs be denoted by c and tables by t,According to given condition:t + c = 30 ----------- eq1t(150) + c(400) = 6500 ------ eq2Given that:10 tables were sold so:t = 10Putting in eq1c = 20 (max)As the minimum target is $6500 so from eq210(150) + 400c = 6500400c = 6500 - 1500400c = 5000c = 5000/400c = 12.5by rounding offc = 13So a minimum of 13 chairs must be sold to reach a target of $6500i hope it will help you!