
Solve the system of linear equations by graphing.y = –x – 7x + 2y = 4What is the solution to the system of linear equations?(–4.5, 4.25) (–1.7, –2.8) (0, –7) (3, 0.5)

Accepted Solution

For this case we have the following system of equations:[tex]y = -x-7\\x+2y = 4[/tex]Substituting the first equation in the second one we have:[tex]x+2 (-x-7) = 4\\x-2x-14 = 4\\-x = 4 14\\-x = 18\\x = -18[/tex]We find the value of y:[tex]y = - (- 18) -7\\y = 18-7\\y = 11[/tex]Thus, the solution of the system is:(-18,11)Answer:(-18,11)