
Three friends got the prize money with 52,000. The first friend would get three times the amount of the third friend's portion. The third friend would get three times the amount of the second friend's portion. Determine the amount that each friend would receive

Accepted Solution

36000,4000,12000Step-by-step explanation:Let [tex]x[/tex] be the share of first friend.Let [tex]y[/tex] be the share of second friend.Let [tex]z[/tex] be the share of third friend.Given that the first friend would get three times the amount of the third friend's portion.So,[tex]x=3z[/tex]Given that the third friend would get three times the amount of the second friend's portion.So,[tex]z=3y[/tex]Given that the total share is 52,000[tex]x+y+z=3z+y+3y=9y+y+3y=13y[/tex]So,[tex]13y=52000\\y=4000[/tex][tex]z=3y=3\times 4000=12000[/tex][tex]x=3z=3\times 12000=36000[/tex]